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- INFO-HAMS Digest Thu, 14 Dec 89 Volume 89 : Issue 1018
- Today's Topics:
- 1989 Third-Party Countries List (SOURCE: "The FCC Rule Book")
- ARRL Propagation Forecast Bn Nr 49
- DX Neophyte Wants QSL Manager Info
- Emergency Van Info
- FT-470, the continuing saga...
- rec.radio.shortwave "invite"
- RST (2 msgs)
- SouthEast Scanner's list
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 14 Dec 89 11:45:26 CST
- From: rlwest@flopn2.csc.ti.com (Bob West, WA8YCD)
- Subject: 1989 Third-Party Countries List (SOURCE: "The FCC Rule Book")
- Message-ID: <8912141747.AA12298@ti.com>
- (SOURCE: The FCC Rule Book, Eighth Edition, First Printing, 1989, p.13-13)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Table 1
- International Third-Party Traffic--Proceed with Caution
- Occasionally, DX stations may ask you to handle a third-party message to a
- friend or relative in the States. This is all right as long as the US has signed
- an official Third-Party Traffic Agreement with that particular country, and the
- traffic is noncommercial and of a personal, unimportant nature. During an
- emergency, out State Department will often work out a special temporary
- agreement with the country involved, but in normal times, never handle traffic
- without first making sure it is legally permitted.
- US Amateurs May Handle Third-Party Traffic With:
- C5 The Gambia V2 Antigua
- CE Chile and Barbuda
- CO Cuba V3 Belize
- CP Bolivia V4 St Christopher
- CX Uruguay and Nevis
- EL Liberia VE Canada
- GB Great Britain* VK Australia
- HC Ecuador VR6 Pitcarin Island**
- HH Haiti XE Mexico
- HI Dominican Republic YN Nicaragua
- HK Colombia YS El Salvador
- HP Panama YV Venezuela
- HR Honduras ZP Paraguay
- J3 Grenada 3D6 Swaziland
- J6 St Lucia 4U1ITU ITU, Geneva
- J7 Dominica 4U1VIX VIC, Vienna
- J8 St Vincent 4X Israel
- JY Jordan 6Y Jamaica
- LU Argentina 8R Guyana
- OA Peru 9G Ghana
- PY Brazil 9L Sierra Leone
- TG Guatemala 9Y Trinidad and
- TI Costa Rica Tobago
- * Third-party traffic permitted between US amateurs and special-events
- stations in the United Kingdom having the prefix GB only, with the exception
- that GB3 stations are not included in this agreement.
- ** Since 1970, there has been an informal agreement between the United Kingdom
- and the US, permitting VR6TC and US amateurs to exchange messages concerning
- medical emergencies, urgent need for equipment or supplies, and private or
- personal matters of island residents.
- Please note that the Region 2 Division of the International Amateur Radio
- Union (IARU) has recommended that international traffic on the 20- and 15-meter
- bands be conducted on the following frequencies:
- 14.100-14.150 MHz
- 14.250-14.350 MHz
- 21.150-21.200 MHz
- 21.300-21.450 MHz
- The IARU is the alliance of Amateur Radio Societies from around the world;
- Region 21 comprises Member-Societies in North, South and Central America, and
- the Caribbean.
- Note: At the end of an exchange of third-party traffic with a station
- located in a foreign country, an FCC-licensed amateur must also transmit the
- call sign of the foreign station as well as his own call.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The above table is excerpted from "The FCC Rule Book" for the information
- of amateurs via electronic distribution. For further information, contact the
- American Radio Relay League, 225 Main St, Newington CT 06111 (203) 666-1544.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Dec 89 15:48:06 GMT
- From: swrinde!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!larry!sde@ucsd.edu (Scott Ellington)
- Subject: ARRL Propagation Forecast Bn Nr 49
- Message-ID: <789@larry.sal.wisc.edu>
- Until a week or so ago, 20 Meters has been open to the South Pacific every
- night around 0400Z. Lately, that path has been dead, though I hear
- stations further south working stations I can't hear. Perhaps it's
- just the winter solstice doldrums. Or maybe for some reason the D layer
- absorbtion is very high along that path lately.
- K9MA
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Dec 89 09:23:00 CST
- From: "christiansen" <christiansen@chewi.che.wisc.edu>
- Subject: DX Neophyte Wants QSL Manager Info
- I haven't really done much DX, but this weekend I got ``involved''
- in the 10m contest and ran into a few DX stations. I've scrounged
- through the last couple of years of QSTs to try to find the appropriate
- QSL managers, with mixed success. Could someone help me out with
- a couple of these?
- 1) The 4/88 QST says that KD2EU is the manager for V31MZ.
- Is this current?
- 2) Do VP2EXX and JA6WFM/HR2 have managers?
- 3) Where SHOULD I be looking to answer these questions myself?!
- Thanks in advance. It is amazing what 100 watts and a whip can do...
- --
- Reed L. Christiansen UW Polymerization Reaction Engineering Lab
- christiansen@chewi.che.wisc.edu (608) 262-7267 WM9I @ WD9ESU
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 19:19:20 GMT
- From: yoda!ldg%byuvax.BITNET@jade.Berkeley.EDU
- Subject: Emergency Van Info
- Message-ID: <32ldg@yoda.byu.edu>
- A while back a chap asked if anybody had set up an emergency van for
- field operations with amateur radio equipment. I posted a reply to this
- posting, but due to an anomaly in our news software, the posting never made
- it to any other sites.
- The Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club has had such a van for about 5 years
- or so. The last time I visited them, it was crammed full of radios, packet
- gear, an emergency generator, a crank-up tower, and all sorts of other
- equipment. The van was donated by the Santa Barbara Research Center of
- Hughs, and quite of bit of custom cabinetry, wiring, mechanic-ing and so
- on was done to make it an excellent operating station. I was impressed.
- It is one of those large step-van type vehicles, tall enough to walk
- around in. I think they even have a coffee pot installed.
- For more information, write:
- Santa Barbara Amateur Radio Club
- P.O. Box 3232
- Santa Barbara, CA 93130-3232
- Lyle D. Gunderson N6KSZ CIS: 73760,2354 GEnie: L.GUNDERSON
- zebolskyd@acoust.byu.edu "Any technology without some attendant risk
- 350 CB / BYU / Provo, UT 84602 of misuse is probably trivial" --Loise Kohl
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 14 Dec 89 11:55:16 est
- Subject: FT-470, the continuing saga...
- Message-ID: <8912141655.AA00039@adam.DG.COM>
- CEO summary:
- Re: Tunable front ends
- I have the same problem with my wife's Kenwood TH25AT. It's designed
- to have a wide-band front end so you can tune the 150-162 Mhz range.
- Unfortunately, all that RF energy is also present when you're trying
- to tune the 144-148 Mhz band. Bearcat scanners used to advertise a
- "tracking" front end, which was just a varactor tuned filter that
- peaked the front end for the frequency you were listening to. I
- suspect that the more expensive commercial radios do the same thing,
- at least I bet the synthesized ones do.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Dec 89 16:10:51 GMT
- From: shlump.nac.dec.com!leaf.enet.dec.com@decwrl.dec.com (Steve Dowman)
- Subject: rec.radio.shortwave "invite"
- Message-ID: <6894@shlump.nac.dec.com>
- In article <8460@ttidca.TTI.COM>, sorgatz@ttidca.TTI.COM ( Avatar) writes...
- (mindless drivel on swl'ers being dweebs and anti-Ham)
- Hey Avatar, how are we gonna kiss your ass if you keep talking through
- it? Sheesh, who are you anyway, The Incredible Iron Ham Man? Your
- attitude is amusing. This Ham is cooked!
- *_______________*_________________________________________*__________________*
- | Steve Dowman | Email: s_dowman@leaf.enet.dec.com | Home: |
- | d|i|g|i|t|a|l | -or- s_dowman%leaf.dec@decwrl.dec.com | 145 Coburn Woods |
- | Littleton, MA | -or- ...!decwrl!leaf.dec.com!s_dowman | Nashua, NH 03063 |
- *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
- ------------------------------
- Date: 13 Dec 89 12:31:52 GMT
- From: hpda!hpwala!hpnjld!eyg@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Ed Gilbert)
- Subject: RST
- Message-ID: <4140010@hpnjld.HP.COM>
- >Heard during the Ten Meter Contest last weekend:
- >
- >N3xxx: "KH6xxx 59 Pennsylvania."
- >KH6xxx: "You're 59 Hawaii. QSL?"
- >N3xxx: "QSL. Thanks for Hawaii! How's my signal out there?"
- >
- > :-)
- Not as ridiculous as it sounds, given the rubber-stamp 59 that
- everyone gives in the contests. The same question was asked of
- me in the 160M contest a couple of weeks ago by a W4, and that
- was on CW.
- Ed Gilbert, WA2SRQ
- ------------------------------
- Date: 14 Dec 89 15:55:53 GMT
- From: price@marlin.nosc.mil (James N. Price)
- Subject: RST
- Message-ID: <1263@marlin.NOSC.MIL>
- In article <4140010@hpnjld.HP.COM> eyg@hpnjld.HP.COM (Ed Gilbert) writes:
- >>Heard during the Ten Meter Contest last weekend:
- >>
- >>N3xxx: "KH6xxx 59 Pennsylvania."
- >>KH6xxx: "You're 59 Hawaii. QSL?"
- >>N3xxx: "QSL. Thanks for Hawaii! How's my signal out there?"
- >>
- >> :-)
- >
- >Not as ridiculous as it sounds, given the rubber-stamp 59 that
- >everyone gives in the contests. The same question was asked of
- >me in the 160M contest a couple of weeks ago by a W4, and that
- >was on CW.
- >
- > Ed Gilbert, WA2SRQ
- Taken to the extreme: the K1EA contest program (which is a lovely
- piece of software, and the following comment is not intended as a
- criticism) *automatically* fills in 599 or 59 as the exchange for
- every station you work in a contest. The issue here is speed, and
- frankly exchanges can almost be done away with since once you've
- got a person's call, you've made a contact. You need the exchange
- to get the multipliers (states, countries, zones, or whatever),
- but the signal report is really superfluous. In fact, Sweepstakes
- manages just fine without an RST. Perhaps other contests should
- follow suit??
- --Jim, K6ZH
- ------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 14 Dec 89 09:34:56 EST
- From: pswecker@med.unc.edu (Peter St.Wecker)
- Subject: SouthEast Scanner's list
- Message-ID: <8912141434.AA13585@pelham.med.unc.edu>
- As per my previous message, we now have a South East US scanner mailing
- list. Everyone who sent me a note should have gotten an announcement. Here
- are the details:
- -------------------------
- This list is for the exchange of information pertaining to scanner listening
- in the South Eastern US.
- To request to be added or dropped from this list send mail to:
- SE-Monitor-Request@eng.clemson.edu
- To submit a message to this list send mail to:
- SE-Monitor@eng.clemson.edu
- W. Gregg Stefancik
- List Maintainer
- -------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Peter St.Wecker Internet:pswecker@med.unc.edu
- (919) 966-1096 UUCP:pswecker@uncmed.uucp
- Dept. of Physiology, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC
- If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be research
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #1018
- ***************************************